Sunday, January 13, 2013

KISS and progress

Keep it SIMPLE stupid.

I gotta say, i love this quote. Man man man. Well today I did 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. It was great. I bought this pre-workout supplement that is supposed to give me "explosive energy", but so far i feel the same. It is very expensive though. 60$ for a 60 serving scoops and it is very tiny. It is called C4. I am going to keep taking it and hopefully my body will get used to it soon! So, on the gym front, I am doing GREAT.

On the food front, I am FAILING!I am not doing so well eating. I know by now i would have lost some weight because I been busting my ass in the gym, but if the food is not right, theres no way i can lose any weight. The thing about me, I store body fat ONLY on my stomach, which is why I have been a size 0 since i can remember, but my stomach expands so if i dont get this straight I am going to look like an oompa loompa,  small fee, big tummy. NO NO, plus we all know that stomach math is the WORST from all body fat.I have been fialing because

1. I dont control myself
2. i make things too complicated, too manu ingredients, too much time into food.
3. Not enough discipline!

I need to get this #%# straight! I need to get it right!

I will start to take pictures of my daily eats to keep me accountable once again. I dont want to count calories or anything anymore, like I said before, but i gotta control myself with food too so i need to be very watchful that I dont eat too much and taking pictures should help!

I havent weight myself in like forever and i really dont like to. I just gotta see how my stomach looks and how I fit in my clothes, but I will weight myself sometime maybe next monday.

Being that I am a size zero, I have tiny legs and small but, which is why I try to keep my lower body toned. So far this is my progress pictures with my lower body. needs more work, but slowly and surely I will get there.


  1. You are right that if you are not eating healthy all that exercise won't help you lose weight. I think your legs and butt look great. I understand what you are saying because of your smaller height it makes your tummy look bigger.
    You try so hard and it WILL pay off for you. :-)


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