Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I just consumer 1000 calories for breakfast.

I dont know what happened. I was on the phone irritated with the USPS about my delivery and all i know is I was eating what i had planned to eat :1/2 cup cottage cheese with mixed frozen berries, some coconut oil and some almond butter and next thing you know i am scarfing down a whole Quest protein bar as well as some baked apples and more almond butter. By etimating, it was about 100 calories in just one sitting. most of the calories came from the almond butter. I believe i ate about 4tablespoons plus the coconut oil...i hate when I do this! i eat more when I am irritated or stressed out! Although none of it was bad, it was A LOT in one sitting; however, I am going to go to the gym in 1-2 hours. I am a little too upset right now, but what matters now is what i do with the rest of my day. With that said, I will be putting in atleast45minutes a the gym today and will carry on with my day eating "normal" as if this binge never happened; however, I will not be eating anymore almond butter for today. I will however have coconut oil as my source of fat, and still keep my day lower carbed and grain free. I will also give my sister the baked apples i made alst night as well as my bananas and stick to the lower sugar/lower carb berries.


  1. wow girl - you need to get out of the kitchen when you are on a stressful phone call!! hope the rest of the day gets better.

  2. coconut oil and almond butter are fattening and both have a lot of calories. I am glad I don't count calories. LOL
    Tomorrow will be better :-)

  3. Those calories add up fast don't they! Just keep on going and things will get better!!


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