Monday, December 17, 2012

Weigh-in and what I ate today

weight- 111.4lbs :0

Breakfast: Oatmeal with coffee. I added some whey protein, bit of walden chocolate sauce, and 1/2 tbsp of hazelnut butter! I also added half and half instead of milk since I dont have any almond milk right now. It was yummy and creamy plus my face coffee of course.. If you dont know, I am on day 5 today of no coffee challenge, but I am drinking "fake coffee", which is that powdered fake stuff. I dont have too much of it only about a tbsp per cup and not much of it.

Lunch: The pan was to eat only what I had right below, but I always want something sweet so I decied to make some fake coffee and 3 green and blacks chocolate with bit of nut butter and a tiny tsp of waldens chocolate and about a tbsp of whipped cream. I felt good about this. I didnt overeat..phew!

and for dessert I had two sugar free pieces of chocolate with a bit of almond butter on top.

BOY, for not working out this is a lot of food. 


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