Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 1 shake challenge

Okay well once again, I got a little distracted and didnt take pics, but heres what I had today:

Morning @the gym

Breakfast: Shake with spinach, fiber, pb2, protein and milk

Lunch: 1/2 greek yogurt, 1/2 banana and 1 tbsp better n butter peanut butter

Gym: 30 minute treadmillk jog/run

Dinner: 1 egg, spniach, sour cream salad, and chicken.. Okay..Then I was craving bread for the weirdest reason so right after dinner I had 1 ezekiel bread, almond and peanut butter and natures hollow jam with coffee and some greek yogurt mixture I had in the fridge....

What I learned today:

 The shake experiment wasn't bad at all. I am ready for my shake tomorrow.
Lunch was perfect balance of protein and carbs as well as sugars for my jog in the afternoon.
Dinner needs to be worked on really really badly!

I SHOULDNT have had all that food, but why did I eat all of that in one sitting? Because i try to be some freaking perfect sometimes. See, I wanted to eat dinner foods so I could have my veggies (the spinach) and my healthy animal proteins and fats (sour cream), but my heart was telling me that all it wanted was NO veggies or meat for dinner1 It just wanted coffee with a pbnj sandiwch.

So that's why I failed, because I didnt listen to my heart and to my gut. I decied to ignore them and this is why I feel a little bit guilty. Not BAD just guilty of not listening. I am SURE my body wont DIE on my if I dont have animal meat for one day! It wont die on me if i dont have veggies for dinner! It WILL BE OKAY! I need to listen to my gut and my heart and not my confusing head! Always gives me mixed feelings! Well, tomorrow I am hoping that if i dont want meat again, I will just have atleast veggies for dinner and pbnj sandiwch or wtv lol. So that way I dont overdo it and I also will be getting my carbs and protein from the pbnj and bread, instead of the protein from meat..

P.S- Sorry I dont reply to your comments sometimes, I am really forgetful and lazy. :0

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