Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I was debating whether to delete my blog

I have just fully come to a conclusion that the bfc is not for me. I am not for it and I can't and wont keep following that lifestyle because it is not the way I want to live. I understand it works and its worked for many people, like it did for me, but it is not something I can do and stick to. So yesterday I was going to delete my blog, but i thought maybe I'd let that be up to you my kind anoymous readers and my blog buddies. If you want to still follow me in my journey, I would love to keep you updated.
I have set new goals and i would like to share them with you to see where I at and where I want to be at. My non-bfc goals.

1. Eat small well balanced meals
2. Eat clean foods; no junk
3.at my snack time, eat something small but something that will not keep me wanting more, but enough to satisfy my sweet tooth
4. DON'T nibble on food; DON'T eat standing up; DO sit down and eat my food. DO chew food slowly
5. DON'T worry about calories; eating the right clean foods and small portions will take care of itself; use eyes and common sense
6. Eat ever 3.5-4 hours so that i don't get too hungry and eat too much at the next meal
7. Don;'t overat; there's no reason to. The next meal will be waiting for me in 3-4 hours.

Okay, so those are my goals for today; and mostly everyday but I am going to journal them with pen and my notebook. So just to clarify I am not doing the bfc, in fact as soon as i get a chance this week I am going to get some apples and some pb and bananas to enjoy. I am going to take pictures of my foods also in the beg. for a while just to see how much I ate and what I ate to keep me accountable.

Would you still like me to blog and keep you updated?


  1. Your blog is for you! If you want to keep blogging, keep on blogging!

  2. Hello Ashley, :)
    I know exactly what you're talking about. The BFC works IF you work the BFC. It's certainly not for everyone. To lose weight, each and every single one of us have to find what works for us.
    Let me ask you a question. Your weight seems pretty low already. Do you think you truly need to lose weight or are you trying to maintain and maybe add some fitness/weight training into the equation? We all look better with some muscle on our bodies.
    From reading your blog for several months now, I can see that you are really struggling. I think that adding foods back that are healthy and maintaining a certain calorie level might just be your best bet. I feel that like me, you are starting to find that foods are either "good or bad." It's difficult to continue this process when we are constantly berating ourselves for eating something (like fruit) that someone else deemed bad.
    Of course, all of this is just my humble opinion.
    Please don't give up Sweetheart. Life is too short and you are far too young to let food rule your life.
    Have a great week Miss Ashley!

    Linda in Western NC :)

  3. Yes I agree with the girls. Your blog is for you and don't let the food rule you. We each need to do what is best for us :-)


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